It's been quite a while since i looked up on Newgrounds again.
It's good to see that there are still great flash movies and games to be found here.
First off i'd like to announce my favorite flashes seen so far on March:
I started off playing Velocity Wings created by: bumblebirds and music by Waterflame, it's based on one of the most addictive apps ever made, yes of course i'm talking about Flappy Bird!
This game took over the right elements only instead of Mario sprites, the author used Sonic sprites, only this is about collecting rings instead of making the distance, the game itself is getting rather popular and i can see why, it's even more addicting then Flappy Bird!
After watching many flash movies again, i can't help it but choose Twitch Draws Pokemon created by: Atpunk.
After Twitch launched a version of Pokémon Red to be controlled by the chatters, things went pretty haywire. This flash sums up the funny and failing moments made while this was ongoing on Twitch, a brilliant flash and it's a great laugh!
I'm also gonna create these monthly (if anyone would ever read this, and since i have too much free time), so others can check out some of my favorite flashes on Newgrounds. :)